Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Introducing #5 ~ Apollo

Yes that's right, we have number 5! Well almost. The hubby is in North Carolina working with our newest ~ Apollo and will return on the 14th. Apollo is a Malinois and MALE!! Can we really bring a male dog into a female driven house? He will have to either take charge really quickly or admit defeat and accept who is really in charge of the yard! The hubby says he has really been trained well and loves to work (Apollo is a drug tracking dog). I've been told Apollo needs to add on a few pounds, but all in all he is a great dog with a laid back personality. He will make a great partner to my laid back husband!

I don't have a photo of him yet, but I wanted to show a photo of the breed of dog:

I just love this picture I found on the Internet (even though Apollo is not a K-9 dog) with the bullet proof vest. Just precious!

This dog was supposed to have a rough n' tough name (Chuck Norris) but thankfully the higher ups of the department nixed the name. Even though it is a fun name, I honestly can't see myself yelling 'Come here Chuck Norris!' for the next 10 years! I really like the name Apollo so I hope the guys decide to keep it! Stay tuned for the adventures to come! :)

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

He's going to be beautiful!! I want to meet him! By the way, in my comment below, I didn't wish you safe and happy travels! :-)